The District Meeting of Durham 2023

27th Annual District Meeting of the District Grand Council of Durham To be held at: Gateshead Masonic Hall, Alexandra Road, Gateshead. Tyne and Wear NE8 1RE on Saturday 2nd September 2023, Commencing at 11:00

Tea, coffee and bacon butties will be available, from 09:30, for a small charge.

Menu: Homemade Pate served with Crusty Bread followed by, Chicken Chamberlin (Chicken Sautéed with Bacon, Mushrooms & Red Wine Sauce) with seasonal vegetables and potatoes, then Assorted Cheesecake.

Dining will be at 12:45 at a cost of £28 for Companions dining at their own expense and the closing date is 18th August 2023.

If you want to attend, use the link below.